A flurry of candidates up for MnDOT Snowplow Naming contest

(MnDOT, File)
Voting has begun in Minnesota Department of Transportation’s (MnDOT) Name a Snowplow contest for 2024-25 season. But there is no need to head to the polls, you can vote online.
According to MnDOT, they received over 7,300 suggestions when they put out the call in December. The committee whittled down the list to their top 50 finalists. The agency say they considered a variety of factors, including uniqueness, frequency of submissions, Minnesota-specific ideas, and names that would be easily identifiable and understandable to most audiences.
Minnesota residents have come up with some fantastic ideas for naming the states snowplows since the contest began. 2024-25 will be the fifth year for this snow-creative Minnesotan pastime. You can only vote once, but select up to eight names. Voting is open through noon on Friday, February 7.
There are eight MnDOT districts across the state and each district will get their own special name. Northern Minnesota, including Koochiching, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Aitkin, Carlton and Pine counties are in District 1. Beltrami County and the northwest are District 2, while Cass and Crow Wing fall under District 3.
RELATED STORY: 2023-24 Minnesota Snowplow naming contest winners unveiled and 2022-23’s MnDOT’s District 1 snowplow name is… and MnDOT announces winners of 2021-22 “Name a Snowplow” contest
Last year, MnDOT gave District 1 Dolly Plowton. Which will be your favorite for 2024-25?
- 867-530 Brine
- A Little Salty
- Aaron Brrrr, Sir
- Accumulus Removeus
- Albert Icestein
- Anthony Sledwards
- Austin Plowers
- Best In Snow
- Blizzard Buster
- Bob Chillin’
- Brrrtha
- Catch My Drift
- Chilly Eilish
- De-Iceman Cometh
- Don’tcha Snow
- Flake Superior
- Frosty The Snowplow
- Hot To Snow!
- I Came, I Thaw, I Conquered
- In My Blizzard Era
- James J. Chill
- Joe Plower
- Just Scraping By
- Lady Slippery
- Land of 10,000 Snows
- Little Plow on the Prairie
- L’Plow du Nord
- Make Snowbegone
- Meltin’ John
- MinneSNOWta N’ice
- Miracle On Ice
- No Business Like Snow Business
- Oh Snow You Didn’t!
- Orange Peeler
- Plowabunga!
- Plowin’ In The Wind
- Plower Power
- Rudy GoBrrr
- Salt Me Baby One More Time
- Say It Ain’t Snow
- SKOL Plow
- Snow Big Deal
- Snow Country For Cold Men
- Snow Place Like Home
- Snowtorious B.I.G.
- Sub Zero Hero
- The North Plow
- We’re Off To See The Blizzard
- Winter Warrior
- You’re Welcome