Meet Lynn Stish, an Outstanding Teacher of the Northland

Meet Lynn Stish, an Outstanding Teacher of the Northland

For 33 years now, Lynn Stish has been teaching in her hometown of Hibbing. Mrs. Stish was nominated to be our January Outstanding Teacher.

For 33 years now, Lynn Stish has been teaching in her hometown of Hibbing. “I’m truly blessed to have started my career in one spot, and stay the whole time,” she said.

She’s now on the second generation of students. Kinslee, one of her current first graders, told us, “She taught my aunties and my mommy.”

Stish has spent most of her classroom time between kindergarten and first grades, and has taught at several schools, including her current one, Washington Elementary.

Even though she’s a veteran teacher, she still feels like she learns something new every day. And she follow the five F’s, which were passed down by a fellow teacher.

“You need to be friendly. You need to be fun. You need to be firm. You need to be fair, and you need to be forgiving,” she explained. “You can’t compare kids. They’re like popcorn kernels, each kernel pops at a different time.”

A curveball during COVID, when she was dealing with breast cancer. But because of distance learning, she was able to make her chemo and radiation treatments, and still get her lessons done.

A fellow teacher, Mrs. Ruzich, also was battling the disease at the same time.

The whole school learned the Andy Grammar song, “Don’t Give Up on Me,” and surprised them with it.

Stish credits the great staff and community feel in the building, for supporting her then, and now.

“I truly believe that the power of prayer, the power of medicine, and the power of your people around you are what get you through the tough things in life. The people here at Washington School are family.”

Indeed, two of them nominated her for this award.

Angela Reibel is another first grade teacher at Washington. “I love Mrs. Stish. I’ve worked with her for nine years. She has passion for the kids, and she loves and cares for the staff,” Reibel said.

Another teacher, Kadee Vesledahl, added, “She advocates with grace, and she can help you figure out what the answers are. You might not like them, but she says we’re going to do it together, and we’re going to try our best. That’s what Stish is known for.”

They all helped her celebrate the award, lining the hall with pool noodles and a bubble machine.

Congratulations, Mrs. Stish! You’re in inspiration. She received a $500 check from Harbor Pointe Credit Union.