Duluth provides plowing update

Plow crews in Duluth had their work cut out for them, after receiving a little over 6 inches of snow on February 1.
On February 2, the city provided an update on plow operations across Duluth.
By the afternoon, Priority 1 roads had been cleared, along with 80 percent of Priority 2 roads. Priority 3 roadways, the city announced, were “partially completed.”
The city defines Priority 1 roads as “main arterials”, that are typically cleared within 36 hours after the snow stops. These include roads like Superior and Michigan Street. Highway 53, and I-35 are handled by MNDOT.
Priority 2 roads include most residential streets off the main roads, which the city tries to make open to traffic within 48 hours after the snow stopping. Priority 3 refers to alleys, cleared approximately in 56 hours.
The city says that crew shifts ended at 6 p.m. on February 2, and are set to resume February 3 at 2 a.m.
A full map of the city with these roads labeled, along with the agencies responsible for the plowing, is available on the city’s website.