Public meeting to be held on Sixth Ave East project

The City of Duluth will hold a public information session to discuss the upcoming Sixth Avenue East Resurfacing and Reconfiguration project on Thursday, January 30. According to city officials, the project covers the area between East Second Street and Mesaba Avenue, and includes details about the project schedule and proposed layout.

The meeting will be held at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 219 N Sixth Avenue on Thursday, January 30 from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. There will be a short presentation focusing on the project and expected construction impacts, followed by an open house format where people can as questions and share input.

City officials say constructions is scheduled for 2025, with funding from the Street Sales Tax Fund.

The project will include:

ADA-compliant pedestrian upgrades
Reconfiguration of the roadway from four lanes to three lanes, including a center turn lane
Installation of a center median island between Fifth and Ninth Streets
Overlay of the existing concrete pavement with asphalt

Child care and food will be provided.