Proctor baseball shares concerns with town board

Concerned Canosia township parents, coaches and supporters gathered tonight – worried about the future of local baseball.
A Facebook post made by the Proctor Area Youth Baseball page on August 2 alerted community members saying in part “we fear we may lose baseball in pike lake all together.”
The post cited changes made to some of the playing areas – saying they were done without a transparent plan to the community.
In the monthly Canosia town board meeting tonight, several residents connected to Proctor baseball came to express opposition to what they worried would amount to the closure of the baseball fields.
The town supervisors listened to the concerns of citizens but insisted that what was being said on social media was simply not true.
Despite the dispute, both sides agreed the that main issue was a breakdown in communication.
In the end, the board reminded residents that the board isn’t allowed to make a decision until the next meeting, which they asked everyone to attend.
That next meeting is scheduled for September 4, at 7 p.m.