Piedmont Youth Hockey kicks off annual jamboree

The Piedmont Youth Hockey Association hosted their first ever “family night” to begin their annual jamboree on January 10th.
Families within the association participated in a chili cook-off, as well as a family skate without sticks or pucks. Jason Finke, president of the association, pointed out that these events wouldn’t be possible without help from the community.
“We fundraise every year. We get all sorts of donations from local businesses, Pure Hockey, from family members, and equipment from Fleet Farm. We raffle it off with silent auctions and try to raise money that way,” said Finke.
Finke also noted that hockey has a reputation as an expensive sport to pick up, and that their association tries to give as many kids an opportunity to play as possible.
Their jamboree continues this weekend with activities running through 10p.m. on January 12th
If you want to attend or volunteer at any of their events, visit their Facebook page here.