Essentia Health workers in Deer River continue their strike

The Essentia Health workers are have been on strike for over ten days in Deer River, Minnesota. The workers are calling out the lack of bargaining as part of the facility remains partially closed to the community.
The Deer River Essentia healthcare worker strike reaches its 10th day on Wednesday, workers still rallied on the picket line. There have been no bargaining dates set, although portions of the facility have been closed by management during the strike. Essentia Health is sending patients to travel to other facilities for care.
Workers and union leaders will continue their strike until management reaching a contract agreement they deem fair. Kayla Schwankl, is the SEIU organizer and lead bargainer, for the Essentia Health workers in Deer River. She says the workers are frustrated, but remain united on the second week of their strike.
“As our members enter their 10th day of their ULP strike, we are united in our fight for what is right. But services remain limited for our communities, because of management’s decision to close down portions of the facility during our strike. Our group has been ready to get to the table to reach a fair deal, but it seems like management are acting as if this situation is no big deal,” Schwankle said. “For the sake of our patients and communities who deserve better, the workers are just asking for fair pay for their essential work. It’s time for management to finally work with the mediator and get back to the table and reach a fair contract to end this dispute.”
In a statement from Essentia Health they write that they have been in contact with the federal mediator. They are willing to discuss a serious proposal that takes into account the realities of rural health care.
However, Essentia says the union has offered no dates for bargaining. Essentia Health says the SEIU has expressed an unwillingness to the meditator to modify its wage proposal in a way that would allow for productive talks.